
Growing Carbon

Explore options to operationalise ‘Biodiversity Connections for Carbon-Neutrality’ across metropolitan Melbourne.


Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (PPWCMA)


Melbourne Water; Yarra Valley Water; City West Water; DELWP; Statewide-CMA Climate Change Coordinator


In 2019 the PPWCMA in partnership with the metro- water authorities and Melbourne Water completed a Carbon Sequestration Analysis which explores the variations in carbon sequestration rates across the Port Phillip and Western Port region, as well as determining a costing model for what would need to be considered.


PPWCMA in partnership with the participating water corporations are working to deliver a small, biodiverse carbon sequestration project. The pilot is seeking to implement up to 50ha of plantings that will generate carbon credits for participating water authorities. This on-ground proof of concept project will improve understanding of landholder negotiation, site selection, site preparation, revegetation, maintenance, cost sharing and carbon accreditation processes. More information is available on the PPWCMA project site:

Next steps

Expressions of Interest are now being sought from private landowners to progress the initiative.

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